louis's Blog

louis's Avatar Image
Software developer #Go #CommonLisp #JS #SQL. #LispWorks user. Soft spots for #Emacs #SmallWeb. Recently becoming #OpenBSD enthusiast.

Author of the Tuner app for Linux.

Other hobbies: #Running #FireFighter #StarTrek
18 hours ago
Three weeks of building work and today our new roof is finally finished. ...more
Our roof as the new tiles are being laid.

21 hours ago
No matter which platform you are on: ...more

2 days ago
Für die Deutschsprachigen Firefox-Nutzer: ...more
#firefox #datacollection

4 days ago
The FSF is - again - running a fundraiser. ...more
A screenshot of the financial statement Year 2022 with red arrows pointing to the items „Salaries, Taxes, Benefits of $1015905, Occupancy $145107, Special events & mailings $26349, Promotion & Marketing $2415.

4 days ago
Since yesterday I desperately try to upgrade a PostgreSQL 15 instance to version 16 (because I need the new `JSON_OBJECT ON ABSENT NULL`). ...more

4 days ago
Manning, my dear publisher, what have you become . ...more
a partial screenshot from the website of Manning.com, showing the "recent releases" and "bestsellers" section with mostly AI related books like "Build a Website with ChatGPT", "Build a Large Language Model From Scratch", "AI Apps with LangChain" and so on.

6 days ago
Oh, TIL PostgreSQL doesn't support cross-database queries on the same server. ...more

6 days ago
I recently discovered Appliku, a service that let's you Bring Your Own Server/VM and offers a Heroku-like Web UI to deploy your own apps or any Docker image on it, with some goodies like managed Nginx, Let’s Encrypt certificates, databases (redis, pg, mysql) and backups. ...more
#Heroku #selfhosting

7 days ago
Would we want to allow a personality like Lunduke to post on our instance? ...more

8 days ago
What it looks like in the air when a closed-source security company breaks a software update. ...more

10 days ago
Just received a goodie from Ubuntu: ...more
#Ubuntu #Canonical

11 days ago
What is this? ...more

17 days ago
Doing SQL for over two decades. ...more
#sql #postgresql #SQLServer #oracle #mysql

19 days ago
SQL pro tip of the day: ...more
#sql #postgresql #mysql #sqlite

21 days ago
Uff…. ...more

23 days ago
It breaks my heart 💔 to see the way the Fediverse is discussing the issues arising from some FOSS projects like Hyprland, NixOS, and now the Ladybird project. ...more
#Hyprland #NixOS #Ladybird #FOSS #Fediverse

23 days ago
Happy to announce that we switched back to the DeepL translation backend (from LibreTranslate). ...more

23 days ago
Just built Ladybird browser on Linux and Mac/arm a few hours ago. ...more

23 days ago
TIL: ...more

23 days ago
Is it just me or is it normal that all the hidden, undiscovered-for-months bugs in your code suddenly become a problem all at the same time? ...more

24 days ago
Very interesting Podcast episode on Software Unscripted with the Cuis Smalltalk lead Juan Vuletich about Smalltalk and computing in general. ...more
#smalltalk #CuisSmalltalk

a month ago
We had quite a few signups recently. ...more

a month ago
Credit where credit is due: ...more
#AppleMusic #Apple

a month ago
Why did it take me a decade to discover BRIN indexes in PostgreSQL? ...more

a month ago
I love you LibreTranslate and we use it to power translations on our Mastodon instance. ...more
#libretranslate #deepl #translation

a month ago
I left Firefox behind a while ago. ...more
The red Vivaldi logo

a month ago
First, Mozilla started to collect your search data in Firefox, promised to "not sharing anything with 3rd parties". ...more
#Mozilla #mozilla #firefox

a month ago
I'd love to see Linux hardware vendors to do a little more than just releasing yet another "laptop-without-Windows-preinstalled-that-looks-like-a-MacBook-Pro". ...more

a month ago
Freedom comes at a considerable cost. ...more

a month ago
TIL: ...more
#golang #GinGonic

2 months ago
Mozilla is allegedly blocking access to certain VPN and Censorship-circumventing extensions for Firefox users in Russia. ...more
#Mozilla #Firefox #Russia

2 months ago
Linux mintCast recent episode on the dangers of OS-integrated AI: ...more
#podcast #linux

2 months ago
Mastodon uses Redis - I know this is not news anymore, but the license hoax / money grab of Redis is still present in my brain. ...more
#redis #KeyDB

2 months ago
The good thing is, you can miss out on WWDC after WWDC without having missed anything relevant. ...more

2 months ago
So if your Watch notification are not already disturbing enough while you struggle with macOS notifications, you can now mirror your iPhone notifications to your Mac notifi. ...more

2 months ago
Your $1. ...more

2 months ago
Developers: ...more

2 months ago
I often read that the Fediverse is mostly European. ...more
A world map and list of countries below showing which data center of the Emacs.ch CDN the traffic is routed through within one hour of logging. It lists 64 countries from all over the world.

2 months ago
When mounting a remote folder, which is the fastest (many small files/high concurrency) option of those below? ...more

2 months ago
News from Andreas Kling, the creator of SerenityOS: ...more
#serenityos #ladybird

2 months ago
Best thinking tool ever. ...more
A hand with a Hand Grip Strenghener in front of a ThinkPad X1 laptop, on the screen a page from the book „Learn C The Hard Way“ chapter „Why C Strings Were a Horrible Idea“. Next to it a Coke Zero can.

2 months ago
For project like a Mastodon™️ schema-compatible server from scratch, what would be the preferred license? ...more

2 months ago
The Apple trap: ...more

2 months ago
Compiling Clang on a single CPU machine is an impossible task 😠 It's over 15 hours now and counting. ...more

3 months ago
When you realize that the product you consciously bought to be not Nestlé is actually from . ...more
A drawn white angry-looking cat face on black background.

3 months ago
This is such a good site, check it out: ...more

3 months ago
Who runs "Open-source" Chromium? ...more
A pie chart showing the percentage of overall contributions by organzations to the Chromium project. Showsing Google with 95.5%, Igalia wth 1.87% then Microsoft, Intel Opera, Samsung, Bytedance, Yandex and others with smaller, readable numbers.

3 months ago
OMG, I love OpenBSD. ...more

3 months ago
Today, a new tablet device was launched. ...more

3 months ago
So, when I aim for portable C code that works on all *nixes, is the "Single Unix Specification" now the authorative reference, instead of just POSIX? ...more
#unix #c

3 months ago
Caught it by accident. ...more

3 months ago
Microsoft's new PCs will constantly take screenshots and feed an AI to understand what you were doing. ...more

3 months ago
A new web framework for Common Lisp: ...more

3 months ago
KDE6 landed in OpenBSD: ...more

3 months ago
Today marks the 555th day of uninterrupted uptime of our Emacs. ...more

3 months ago
Feeling completely dis-connected at the moment. ...more

3 months ago
Does anyone know what happened to restclient. ...more

3 months ago
I accidentally setup my laptop distro with LVM (without a real need). ...more

3 months ago
TIL: ...more

3 months ago
Because I deleted (not edited) some of my answers on Stack Overflow (7 in total) during the last two days, my account is now locked because I "defaced" the community. ...more

3 months ago
See you next year in Zurich, you crazy Lisp nerds 🙂 #els2024 ...more
Official group photo op with most attendees.

3 months ago
Exciting news for SBCL users. ...more
#sbcl #commonlisp

3 months ago
The #els2024 is already over, I met many interesting folks there. ...more

3 months ago
Too bad there is no equivalent of "Kopfkino" in English. ...more

3 months ago
Had a great day 1 at #ELS2024, even meeting a few fellow Mastodon users. ...more

3 months ago
Heading for Vienna now. ...more
A photo from an Austrian airplane standing at a gate waiting to depart to Vienna.

3 months ago
I jumped ship and hopped over to the Linux Mint crowd. ...more

3 months ago
Just came back from our 10 day trip from UAE. ...more

4 months ago
Starfleet Headquarters Dubai ...more
One of the many strange looking buildings in Dubai, this one with the shape of a lowercase "n".

4 months ago
Greetings from Dubai. ...more

4 months ago
Can't wait to immerse myself into a new culture and enjoy some quality time with my family in our first extended vacation since 2020. ...more

4 months ago
Micro$oft's Cosmos DB, they call it the "Unified AI database" is so cool, that it takes 10 minutes to fetch ~5000 records at the size of less than 1 KB each and I can only guess how much it will cost. ...more

4 months ago
TIL There is a Redis replacement with persistency based on SQLite, written in Go. ...more

4 months ago
Gosh, after a reboot yesterday my RET key was bound to `mark-sexp` and I had no idea where that came from. ...more
#Emacs #Sly

4 months ago
What do you manage your Todos? ...more
#todo #projectmanagement

4 months ago
"Scheme and Common Lisp differ mostly in the communities they cater to. ...more
#commonlisp #scheme

4 months ago
I'm trying to wrap my head around forward and backward chaining rule systems. ...more

4 months ago
Here at Emacs. ...more
#openbsd #dillo

4 months ago
Can anyone recommend a good IP-to-Country database that's updated regularly and preferably free/donation-based? ...more

4 months ago
Haven't used VS Code a single time for over two months now. ...more
#emacs #vscode

4 months ago
In the realm of nature, when two tiny felines engage in a skirmish, the universe maintains its harmony, embracing the spectacle as part of its divine order. ...more

4 months ago
In our public primary school every pupil gets an iPad starting 3rd grade, with a +Microsoft 365 account+ so they can "get used to the applications that are prevalent in business". ...more

4 months ago
There is a first usable version of a Mastodon client app written with CAPI available: ...more
A screenshot of the app with some of my posts filtered by the keyword "anonradio".

4 months ago
Or, we could just build our own Mastodon client with Common Lisp. ...more
A screenshot from a simple proof of concept app showing a list of my toots dating back to Nov. 2022. It shows a timestamp, and unformatted HTML content.
#LispWorks #CAPI

4 months ago
I just spent 8 minutes of my life trying to scroll down in my personal timeline to find the oldest post I ever made in Nov. ...more

4 months ago
Thank God Caturday is over : ...more

4 months ago
I did not consider Lisp macros as a means to inline code for efficiency. ...more
A foto of a part of the page 137 of the book "Common LISPcraft" with visible annotations by a former reader. In this example they say "ahh ok!" when the book talks about why use mapc instead of mapcar.
#CommonLisp #Lisp

4 months ago
Almost every technological "innovation" available for civil use has its roots either in military, drugs or pornography. ...more

4 months ago
TGIF to all you fine folks in the Fediverse and our community. ...more

4 months ago
Two full months into Pop_OS now. ...more
#opensuse #kde

4 months ago
A piece of history just arrived 😀 CommonLisp ...more
A photo of the book „Common LISPcraft“ by Robert Wilensky laying on a desk. A keyboard, mouse are also visible.

4 months ago
TIL: ...more
A screenshot of the speedtest widget of the Kagi search engine, which appears when using the search phrase "speedtest".

4 months ago
While most programming languages pride themselves in how they limit the programmer, there is one that does quite the opposite. ...more

4 months ago
Happy Easter everyone! ...more

4 months ago
While GNV is continuing indexing the Small Web, I noticed that there are some servers that mirror Usenet newsgroups decades back. ...more
#GNV #GNV #SmallWeb

4 months ago
"Org Tables - From Zero to Hero" - new video from Gavin Freeborn. ...more
#orgmode #emacs

5 months ago
I'm going to the European Lisp Symposium in May this year. ...more
#ELS #Lisp #CommonLisp

5 months ago
"A wise man can change his mind; a fool never. ...more

5 months ago
I think the whole treesitter train passed me. ...more

5 months ago
Registrations for the European Lisp Symposium are now open. ...more
#lisp #commonlisp #sbcl

5 months ago
GNV - the Smallweb Index - now supports the Spartan protocol. ...more
A screenshot from a search on GNV, with the keyword "music", showing first results from Spartan servers.
#gopher #gemini #spartan #smallweb

5 months ago
Since last night I'm giving vivaldi browser a try. ...more

5 months ago
Holy cow! ...more
A screenshot of an Emacs session in a buffer with Common Lisp code. At point a company completion box is open with suggestions for CL functions and a company box next right to it showing the documentation of that function while still in the completion box.
#Emacs #CommonLisp

5 months ago
Call me old school (or just old) but I hate to see that more and more corporations switch to the informal German "Du" ("thou") and dismiss the more respectful "Sie". ...more

5 months ago
Puh. ...more

5 months ago
For those of you into cooking and recipe sharing, I just found the Gopherspace Cookbook with 695 recipes! ...more
#cooking #gopher

5 months ago
They say: ...more

5 months ago
While watching GNV's crawler doing its job, I noticed yet another small protocol in the spirit of Gopher and Gemini: ...more
#gnv #gopher #geminiprotocol

5 months ago
*"Nihil ex nihil"*. ...more
A screenshot from a SBCL debugger session showing the error message "Nihil ex nihil" after trying to SET NIL to T.

5 months ago
Is it just me or is code using the advanced LOOP macro horrible to debug / step through. ...more

5 months ago
Gemini support for the GNV Gopher Index is upcoming in a few hours : ...more
A  screenshot of a local dev version of the GNV Gopher-Gemini index, showing the number of Gemini pages already indexed.
#commonlisp #gemini #gopher

5 months ago
Thanks to the `pdf-tools` package, which I discovered this week, Emacs is now my perfect PDF reader. ...more
A screenshot of Emacs with a buffer showing a rendered PDF file from the book "Successful Lisp", Chapter 9 "Introduction Error Handling and Non-Local Exists". There is a sentence annotated with a small buffer window below as the input area from the annotation.

5 months ago
I have an nginx (1. ...more

5 months ago
It's been 3 years since I last logged in to my tilde. ...more

5 months ago
> Programming languages teach you not to want what they cannot provide. ...more

5 months ago
Not sure what I'm doing wrong, but I'm trying to do some `project-find-regexp` with an expression like this: ...more

5 months ago
Learn Emacs Lisp in 30 Minutes. ...more
#Emacs #Elisp

5 months ago
TIL: ...more
#postgis #postgresql

5 months ago
When you experience weird pain and utter joy at the same time while programming in a language and still go on with it, would that classify as a fetish? ...more

5 months ago
*sigh* Scaleway is so bad. ...more

6 months ago
Would anyone know how to teach Emacs when I mark a region (by pressing S-arrow left) to stop at a more sensible position? ...more
Screenshot of an Emacs buffer with a mark set between two lines.

6 months ago
Have you ever encountered "bus error"s when using SBCL with cl-sqlite? ...more

6 months ago
This is getting out of hand. ...more
A screenshot of the experimental GNV Gopher Index, searching for "korean books", listing 3 search results.

6 months ago
For insiders only: ...more
#commonlisp #gopher

6 months ago
Discord took no action against server that coordinated costly Mastodon Spam attacks. ...more

6 months ago
Don't understand why people are so angry about Apple turning off PWAs in iOS. ...more
#Apple #PWA

6 months ago
Tail Recursion With Common Lisp, Do or Don't? ...more

6 months ago
Are you on Linux or Windows? ...more
#linux #windows #browser #foss

6 months ago
I really wanted to get my hands dirty with C++ tonight. ...more

6 months ago
We've now limited 40 domains due to recent spam coming from them. ...more

6 months ago
Nothing trumps a good cup of Espresso right before going to bed 😀 coffee ...more
A cup of espresso in front of a keyboard.

6 months ago
Any tips for a *really good* open-source HTML>PDF converter (must support css, images, fonts)? ...more

6 months ago
To Bun or not to Bun? ...more
#bun #javascript

6 months ago
IMHO the real threat of an open and functioning Fediverse is not Meta or Bluesky, it is the fact that only 6 small instances decide (by personal opinions of their moderators) if your instance is worth to be federated with, disguised as an algorithmic blocklist called Olifant, which was originally invented to make life of instance admins easier (by protecting against CSAM and other illegal content), and is now used to suppress opinions that are just different. ...more
#Meta #Bluesky #Fediverse

6 months ago
Next Fedi drama upcoming: ...more

6 months ago
I'm still in awe when I find the app that I created and released under GPL3, live and well, installable via most Software centers in Linux via Flathub, even almost 4 years after I wrote it. ...more
A screenshot of my app "Tuner" written for Linux. One can listen to a fast selection of internet radio stations. It show a sidebar with selections like "Discover", "Trending", "Popular" and various Genres.

6 months ago
"Use Emacs to Create a PowerPoint Presentation in Seconds" https: ...more
#Emacs #orgmode

6 months ago
Ran Linux Mint for a week, which is always my choice no. ...more
#linuxmint #PopOS

6 months ago
TIL Emacs TRAMP will fail to work with an ssh target when you change the prompt of your default remote shell to not end with `$`. ...more
#emacs #tramp

6 months ago
I recently sent someone a DM on Mastodon, thanking them for some of their artwork, which they provide publicly and for free. ...more

6 months ago
Did I miss something or did the FSF not yet elect a new board member out of the six candidates they announced on Oct, 3rd 2023? ...more

6 months ago
I got so many great recommendations for headphones, ultimately I had to decide for one. ...more
A photo of a beyerdynamic headphone on a desk connected to a ThinkPad X1 which is also partially visible.

6 months ago
Apple desperately trying to sell me up on a new MacBook by sneaking in random bugs, like it suddenly decides over night that connecting a Dell display over USB-C no longer works. ...more
#Apple #Dell

6 months ago
I was travelling (by train) 6 hours for a 2. ...more

6 months ago
Any good recommendations for decent wired over ear headphones? ...more

6 months ago
If you are using a paid image resizing SaaS and are being ripped off, consider this: ...more
#webdev #selfhosted

6 months ago
Now I know why I had this feeling of calm all day. ...more

7 months ago
No need to fear AI, yet: ...more
#gpt #ai

7 months ago
Gifted an unused Surface Laptop 4 15" to my mother-in-law. ...more

7 months ago
I loathe the day when "free certificate authorities" will begin to monetize on hundreds of millions of SSL certificates, nobody wanted and nobody initially asked for, except . ...more

7 months ago
Hate Lisp and don't like Vi? ...more
#OpenBSD #Emacs #Vi #Vim

7 months ago
Make your product more interesting by labeling trivial features with names nobody really understands. ...more

7 months ago
TIL `global-set-key` is legacy. ...more

7 months ago
Uptimeatomic is a nice project from the fantastic team of openbsdamsterdam (High5) > uptimeatomic alerts when downtime happens and generates an html status page via shell script It can be fully configured via simple conf/txt files, runs via cron and needs no database. ...more
#openbsdamsterdam #OpenBSD

7 months ago
DeBigteching picks of the day: ...more
#DeBigteching #Emacs

7 months ago
Zed editor for macOS was open-sourced today: ...more

7 months ago
Emacs + TRAMP works also with VC (which I prefer most of the time over Magit for simple workflows, stone me). ...more
A screenshot of Emacs with two windows. The upper window shows a buffer with the VC status of a Git repo. The lower windows show a Git diff with some code lines written in Ruby.
#emacs #tramp

7 months ago
I pretty much avoided TRAMP so far. ...more

7 months ago
Migrated 99% of init. ...more

7 months ago
How much energy goes into the production + transport of a solar panel vs. ...more
#solar #solarpanels

7 months ago
Are you an FSF member? ...more
#fsf #gnu

7 months ago
Research team from the University of Zurich finds cause of Long Covid: ...more

7 months ago
Fabrice Niessen, Developer and evangelist for Org mode and creator of the org-html-themes, is offering hands-on Emacs training in a three day course in Rotterdam, Valencia and Paris this spring. ...more

7 months ago
librewolf is so good, it's now my default browser. ...more
#librewolf #Firefox

7 months ago
TIL I learned about "integrated into the roof" solarpanel systems on a trade fair, which essentially replaces the existing roof tiles. ...more
#climate #solarpanels

7 months ago
It has been a while but I wanted to remind everyone on Emacs. ...more

7 months ago
You could set your watch after this cat. ...more
A male cat, bengal, mackerel posing on a cat tree

7 months ago
Btw. ...more

7 months ago
sr. ...more

7 months ago
Turns out that Free Pascal already has a very good HTTP server and JSON de/serialization library (with JSON<>Object serialization) as part of their stdlib. ...more

7 months ago
So, with SourceHut down for two days straight, Codeberg also down, what do you think who will profit most from these DDoS attacks? ...more

7 months ago
> "If the ability to refuse is already a great life lesson, the ability to say no to oneself, to businesses, to people is even greater. ...more

7 months ago
Starting work tomorrow with external monitor removed, single Laptop screen only. ...more

7 months ago
My language of the year 2024. ...more
A picture of a printed copy of the book „Programming in Ada 2012 With a Preview of Ada 2022“ on my desk with a keyboard, mouse and a part of a computer screen visible.
#AdaLang #Ada

8 months ago
A lot is changing in the world of Ada programming language recently. ...more
#Ada #AdaLang #FOSDEM

8 months ago
🎄 Merry Christmas to all of you. ...more

8 months ago
From Zero To IDE with Emacs and LSP https: ...more

8 months ago
When companies complain that the Fediverse just doesn't work out for them as a medium to reach their target groups, they haven't realized that the culture here is different. ...more

8 months ago
After reading into the ISO: ...more
#C #CommonLisp

8 months ago
Test your C proficiency. ...more

8 months ago
Maybe a mix of C and CommonLisp can solve filling the gaps in missing libraries. ...more
#LispWorks #CommonLisp

8 months ago
Is https: ...more

8 months ago
Web dev reality: ...more

8 months ago
I recently develop a strong urge for programming in C (again). ...more

8 months ago
Top 9 features a database IDE should have for serious development of procedures/functions: ...more
#sql #database #mysql #postgresql

8 months ago
Cross-database migration made easy. ...more
#Go #PostgreSQL #MySQL #SQL #database

8 months ago
I'm now almost through migrating PG to MySQL with Stored Procedures only. ...more
#sql #mysql #postgresql

8 months ago
Holy shit, I just TRUNCATE'ed a table on a production server with 12 million rows . ...more

8 months ago
I'm sure that I'm late to the party but I recently discovered the Onyx language project: ...more
#onyx #onyxlang #programming #programminglanguages

8 months ago
With SQL, Day 1 Part 1, it's almost too easy: ...more
#sql #mysql

8 months ago
Emacs. ...more
#aws #hetzner #hosting #selfhosting

8 months ago
FOSS is always preferable. ...more
#FOSS #opensource

8 months ago
Having just reviewed 295 new incoming tags, I can say that the Fediverse is becoming increasingly non-technical. ...more
#Fediverse #Mastodon

8 months ago
We're now running Mastodon 4. ...more

8 months ago
You can solve anything with SQL. ...more
Meme about SQL vs. ORM, where noob and expert use SQL and in the man in the middle uses ORM.

8 months ago
Welcome to all new users who signed up to our Emacs. ...more

9 months ago
In the last few days I’m experimenting with substituting CRUD API code with Stored Procedures which directly produce the endpoints JSON as a single-row scalar value. ...more
#sql #webdev #golang #backend #mysql #postgresql

9 months ago
GraphQL is the worst fuck I had to deal with, and I dealt with hundreds of shitty APIs but this is just another hyped Meta product forced on devs that is over engineered to a point where all its conceptual advantages are obliterated by complexity. ...more

9 months ago
Emacs: ...more
#Emacs #vscode

9 months ago
Our : ...more
A screenshot of the results of a call of the uptime command on the shell of our Emacs.ch server, showing an uptime of 360 days.
#mastodon #fediverse #birthday

9 months ago
Solo-dev'ing is also: ...more

9 months ago
Google, Meta, Apple, Microsoft. ...more
#Google #Meta #Apple #Microsoft

9 months ago
Reddit-level reality distortion field: ...more

9 months ago
We've reached a point where YouTubers compare the performance of language XYZ with the "performance" of TypeScript. ...more

9 months ago
Ok, something is wrong. ...more

9 months ago
Testing ffmpeg video conversion issue, please ignore. ...more

9 months ago
Testing ffmpeg video conversion issue, please ignore. ...more

9 months ago
Wanted to switch some microservices from HTTP to Go's RPC. ...more

9 months ago
ThePrimeagen 24-hour charity stream has just begun: ...more

9 months ago
Anyone else interested in doing some low-level coding this fall? ...more
#mips #assembly #wasm #exercism

9 months ago
Just gave SurrealDB 1. ...more
#surrealdb #postgresql #benchmark

9 months ago
I just pointed out to my kid that she had an "Arschfax" (ass fax) 🎃​. ...more
A tag sticking out from an exposed pair of boxers above the jean waistline.
#dingediedaslebenlebenswertmachen #thingsilove

9 months ago
happyhalloween everyone 🎃​ ...more

9 months ago
Great to see so many sign-ups on Emacs. ...more

9 months ago
⚠️​ Don't use GitBook for your documentation. ...more

10 months ago
The new YouTube when opened on Firefox with the "Enhancer for YouTube" extension, as of today. ...more
A screenshot of the YouTube website showing no content at all.

10 months ago
Amazon AWS will charge ~$3. ...more
#amazonaws #aws #hosting #selfhosted

10 months ago
Using plain old JS fetch with ` "User-Agent": ...more

10 months ago
iOS 17. ...more

10 months ago
The power of Lisp macros: ...more
#Lisp #CommonLisp

10 months ago
Trying out Illacloud. ...more
#SmallWeb #WebDev

10 months ago
I now have 11 apps installed on my iPhone just for the purpose of authentication with ebanking systems, authorizing credit card and debit card transations and scanning payment slips, since every bank and credit card provider runs their own apps. ...more

10 months ago
Programming is "Today is the day to finally do some work! ...more

10 months ago
A lecturer at the University of Bern in Switzerland had glorified the Hamas attack on Israel in a tweet on X and commented on a video of the attack with "Shabbat Shalom". ...more

10 months ago
My go to online book store to find (used) printed copies of all the important Common Lisp books for *very* reasonable prices. ...more

10 months ago
I still love my LispWorks 😄 CommonLisp SBCL LispWorks SLIME ...more
The Distracted Boyfriend Meme with the following labels:

The Boy: Me
His Girlfriend: Lispworks
The other girl: SBCL with type inference
#LispWorks #CommonLisp #SBCL #LispWorks #SLIME

10 months ago
What is your preferred style for package names? ...more

10 months ago
Very hard to stay silent about everything that is happening right now in certain parts of the world. ...more

10 months ago
"But, Go has generics now! ...more
A partial screenshot from a Go method definition with a generic type parameter and the error message showing that "method must have no type parameters".

10 months ago
Go, a *modern* language, invented in 2009 by Google: ...more
#golang #commonlisp

10 months ago
So Discord updated itself today (like every day), resulting in an unfixable crash-on-start. ...more

10 months ago
🤣 Job Alert: ...more
#Fedijobs #Apple #CCO #ChargingChampion

a year ago
Oh my, macOS Sonoma is utterly unstable and full of bugs. ...more
#macOS #macossonoma

a year ago
A happy and joyful weekend, you Fediverse habitants 🙂 🥳​ weekend ...more

a year ago
Yes, yes I know it’s the 40th birthday of GNU after reading the 800th time about it in my timeline 😀 Nevertheless, Happy Anniversay, GNU! ...more

a year ago
> During clinical trials a small number of users (~4%) reported euphoria after use, which led to its control in the US . ...more

a year ago
Nyxt 4. ...more
#nyxt #nyxtbrowser

a year ago
The iPhone 15 series overheating to up to 114°F/45. ...more

a year ago
Any remarks on #remarkable2 or alternatives? ...more

a year ago
When you run much slower than you could (like at 60% level), what happens is that you increase your battery‘s capacity and muscles. ...more

a year ago
Kagi. ...more
#Kagi #Kagisearch

a year ago
Finally it arrived! ...more
A photo of my new knee chair from Varier, model Multi balans sitting in front of my desk. The old usual office chair in the background.
#varier #ergonomics

a year ago
I've underestimated how good an introduction to Common Lisp the book "ANSI Common Lisp"[1] from Paul Graham is. ...more

a year ago
This is just too funny to not post it: ...more

a year ago
Great to see many new Emacs fans joining our instance recently. ...more

a year ago
How much time should we give dormant accounts on our instance before they are deleted? ...more

a year ago
Evil greed. ...more
A price trend chart showing the daily rental rates for an apartment on a red stepped line. It shows steep increases in rate prices during holiday seasons and lower rates during off seasons.
#capitalism #tourism

a year ago
So our new eGov VAT Tax system is sending me text (SMS) messages at 11 PM to notify me about new tax forms available for processing. ...more

a year ago
Just in case anyone is curious, yes we are on v4. ...more

a year ago
This is a price chart for the price of a hotel room in a specific hotel. ...more
A stepped line chart showing the price of a hotel room during a timeframe of Oktober 23 until April 2024 with price point for every day. The line is red.

a year ago
Re: ...more
#webdev #webdesign #responsive #html #css

a year ago
Took a break from CommonLisp the last few weeks. ...more

a year ago
What would be the fastest and most compact (possibly binary) type-aware data exchange format between a Common Lisp and a Go process? ...more
#Golang #CommonLisp

a year ago
Safari on Desktop plays a particularly bad role in terms of accessibility, despite Apple's commitment to it. ...more
A screenshot that compares the HTML date input element shown in Firefox, Chrome and Safari. Also, there are several input dropbown elements shows in both browsers.
#Webdev #Safari #Apple

a year ago
Because the question came up: ...more
A screenshot of the Mastodon UI showing the user preferences and red arrows pointing to the settings on how to enable the Content-Type setting in the compose box.

a year ago
Be an outlier with style: ...more
#FOSS #Emacs #VSCode

a year ago
OMG, a single picture can tell so much about you. ...more

a year ago
Preparing for a bad weather weekend. ...more
#Go #Golang

a year ago
It's ok to enjoy life, especially when you're in LasVegas 💃​ https: ...more

a year ago
If you dare to use the Fediblock hash tag, you better have a very good reason to do so. ...more

a year ago
In one and a half hours starts the Apple event. ...more
#StrangeWorld #Apple

a year ago
An amazing document-relational SQL database coming up, written in Common Lisp and Rust: ...more
#SQL #CommonLisp #Database

a year ago
A little bit of internet history. ...more
The advertisement placed in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung with the title "Feuer!" (German: Fire!).
#Firefox #Mozilla #FOSS

a year ago
I try really hard to like denormalization of data in document databases. ...more
#sql #nosql #mongodb #postgresql

a year ago
**Go Workspaces** seem to be still a half-baked feature. ...more
#Go #Golang

a year ago
Am I the only one who likes to watch recorded depositions on YouTube? ...more

a year ago
After my little rant about Fossil a few days ago and some nice feedback from some users, I've decided to spend some time and give it a serious try. ...more
#Fossil #Emacs

a year ago
*Instance update post*: ...more

a year ago
Finished doing accounting and tax filings for 15 hours straight since 2am in the morning. ...more

a year ago
Emacs. ...more

a year ago
A lot of updates on **Autoblog** today: ...more
A partial screenshot of an autoblog showing header and a list of two posts.

a year ago
I've seen a lot of pro-Fossil, anti-Git discussion recently. ...more
#Fossil #Git #Magit

a year ago
**Autoblog** update: ...more

a year ago
# Autoblog is live If anyone would like to help testing the **autoblog** feature, this is how it works: ...more

a year ago
TGIF! ...more

a year ago
I'm currently evaluating native datastores as a possible replacement for a DB-backed application. ...more
#CommonLisp #LispWorks

a year ago
Turns out the investment in LispWorks is paying off. ...more
#CommonLisp #LispWorks

a year ago
Interesting: ...more

a year ago
I don't know what this Fosstodon drama is all about, but Emacs. ...more

a year ago
Let's see how far we can go: ...more

a year ago
A lot of progress is being made with the Emacs. ...more
A screenshot from the automatically generated blog post showing a post with embedded Spotify player A screenshot from the automatically generated blog post showing a post with embedded YouTube player A screenshot from the automatically generated blog post showing a post with properly formatted Markdown.

a year ago
What I sometimes find very unfortunate about Mastodon is that all the brilliant posts disappear into a dark corner after a short time. ...more

a year ago
Google's Bard is *also* extremely bad at CommonLisp. ...more
A screenshot of a conversation with Google Bard:

Question: I mean what does the pipe symbol around a symbol name 2 mean? 

Answer: The pipe symbol ( | ) around a symbol name in Common Lisp is used to quote the symbol. Quoting a symbol prevents the Lisp interpreter from evaluating the symbol. This means that the value of the symbol is not returned, but the symbol itself is returned. For example, the following code: (print |fool) will print the symbol oo , not the value of the variable foo . This s because the expression |foo| quotes the symbol foo , and the value of a quoted symbolis the symbol tself.
#Bard #CommonLisp

a year ago
Just got a text message from an unknown number: ...more

a year ago
When you spend hours investigating an issue on a library, and creating GitHub issues with all the information you have and the only response is from someone complaining about the formatting of your example code . ...more

a year ago
Anyone with a LispWorks 8 installation around? ...more
#LispWorks #CommonLisp

a year ago
Last night I was dreaming that LispWorks went bankrupt and my coffee machine stopped working because of that. ...more
#LispWorks #twoHoursLispPerDay #CommonLisp

a year ago
Starting my twoHoursLispPerDay now. ...more
#twoHoursLispPerDay #CommonLisp

a year ago
Found a new video series on building a tiny HTTP library in Common Lisp from Philip Bohun: ...more
#SBCL #Emacs #CommonLisp

a year ago
Why is an uninterned symbol used for IN-PACKAGE and not a keyword or a quoted symbol? ...more

a year ago
It's just so much fun to play around with CAPI from LispWorks while watching StrangeNewWorlds. ...more
A screenshot from my desktop with a window of LispWorks editor, a CAPI window with a painted circle and a video playback window with Star Trak Strange New Worlds.
#CommonLisp #LispWorks #CAPI #StrangeNewWorlds

a year ago
It is with a heavy heart that I need to inform you, that I'll shut down the PeerTube instance https: ...more

a year ago
I ask you to post the first words and associations that come to mind with the following statement as a response: ...more

a year ago
Why does an App to control an air filter be the size of a full OS? ...more

a year ago
Read about Synesthesia today for the first time: ...more

a year ago
CSAM on Mastodon. ...more
#mastodon #mastoadmin #csam

a year ago
If you do web dev and ever had to implement a map (as in geo), which solution did you use and can recommend? ...more

a year ago
Yesterday Meta was the biggest threat for the Fediverse, today they praise it for open-sourcing their AI LLM. ...more
#Meta #AI

a year ago
Fediverse is very silent regarding Threads and Meta. ...more
#Threads #Meta #fedipact

a year ago
TIL: ...more

a year ago
When you explore some ideas in a CommonLisp REPL (or Listener), consider opening a dribble file beforehand: ...more

a year ago
I discovered a great job queue written in golang: ...more

a year ago
So good, now I know why I would want to finally learn Rust (not): ...more

a year ago
Ideal to lighten up a bit before going to bed. ...more
#commonlisp #c #rust

a year ago
After writing down 2500 lines of Golang code, I could use a decent CommonLisp macro or two 🙂 . ...more
#Golang #CommonLisp

a year ago
TIL: ...more
#commonlisp #AllegroCL

a year ago
Kind of sad to see that PGadmin 4 contacts Google servers without my consent. ...more
A screenshot a network monitor on macOS showing the connection attempts of pgAdmin 4 to variaous Google servers like 

optimizationguide-pa.googleapis.com content-autofill.googleapis.com clients2.google.com www.google.com

a year ago
Regarding brambles, I believe that there is only one instance on Earth that is constantly spreading across the planet. ...more

a year ago
I want to share an update of my web app project. ...more
#Bootstrap #htmx #Golang

a year ago
*Weekend poll. ...more
#news #newspapers

a year ago
At the risk of being redundant: ...more
#Meta #Meta #Meta #Meta #Thread

a year ago
Talks from the European Lisp Symposium 2023 have been uploaded yesterday: ...more
#commonlisp #EuropeanLispSymposium

a year ago
Twitter Status is as honest as its CEO! ...more
A screenshot from the Twitter Status page showing: 

Updated a few seconds ago  - No incidents in the last 180 days Status  History Powered by Status.io
#twitter #twitterdown

a year ago
Threads launched and the demise for the Fediverse has yet to come. ...more

a year ago
What's the fastest way to build internal web apps without fighting with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, "Frameworks" and a gazillion libraries? ...more

a year ago
What is your opinion on PRIMARY KEYs for database tables that are append-only (i. ...more
#sql #postgresql #sqlite #mysql #SQLServer #oracle

a year ago
I'm probably the last person on earth who has discovered that there is a searchable and nicely rendered version of the Common Lisp HyperSpec, called Nova Spec: ...more
A screenshot of two browser windows next to each other. The left one shows the Nova Spec and the right one shows the HyperSpec by Lispworks.

Both show the documentation about the DEFUN macro.

a year ago
Setup a simple HTTP server from stdlibs that responds with a simple "Hello, World" string, no logging. ...more
#LispWorks #SBCL #CommonLisp #Racket #Golang #janetlang #clojure

a year ago
Today is a good day to spend some time on checking out the performance of the HTTP server libs in Racket. ...more

a year ago
TIL: ...more
#emacs #racket #racketlang #commonlisp #guile

a year ago
In the calm of twilight, within the realm of Emacs, a risky restart looms, as numerous unfinished tasks hang in limbo, awaiting the revival of the tempestuous editor and its multitude of unclosed buffers. ...more

a year ago
I have a feeling that Quicklisp slowly fades away into an unmaintained state. ...more
#Quicklisp #CommonLisp

a year ago
I mourn the days when you simply called each other for business instead of "Doodle"'ing an appointment in an interminable process to sit in a "Teams" waiting room (after installing the daily update) only to find that your counterpart forgot about the appointment. ...more

a year ago
Just realized, by **not** using any kind of SQL framework or ORM: ...more
#sql #development

a year ago
That's your chance to actively participate in the next EmacsConf: ...more

a year ago
4th session with Prot today. ...more
#Prot #Denote #Emacs

a year ago
Why is it that every time I make a full backup over Wifi, my skin starts to itch and my face appears to get hot. ...more

a year ago
Having a short public performance in town hall with my daughter on this beast in few hours. ...more
A Steinway & Sons piano in our town hall, black.

a year ago
So I added a `file-system` in config. ...more

a year ago
`Buffer alot-of-work. ...more

a year ago
A lot of discussion is going on about Meta joining the Fediverse. ...more

a year ago
Does anyone use Emacs to log their time and work? ...more
#Emacs #Org

a year ago
3rd session with Prot today. ...more

a year ago
A song of my one of my favourite artists, Björk: ...more
Björk transforming into a polar bear in the music video of "Hunter"
#lisp #songoftheday #bjork

a year ago
Hey emacs. ...more

a year ago
Dear Go, why are you sometimes so ugly? ...more

a year ago
The 35th Symposium on Implementation and Application of Functional Languages happens on August 29th - 31st, 2023 in Braga, Portugal Call for Papers: ...more

a year ago
2nd session with Prot today. ...more

a year ago
TIL SQLite 3. ...more

a year ago
A gift from my daughter, how did she know? ...more
A little green Gecko made of  rubber sitting on a keyboard.

a year ago
TIL `M-y` (yank-pop) shows a nice selection of previously killed text in the minibuffer to choose from. ...more

a year ago
I had my first Emacs coaching session with **Prot** today. ...more

a year ago
Lisp among the top paying technologies: ...more
Screenshot of the StackOverflow Survey 2023, Section "Top paying technologies" showing the first 15 spots with a red arrow pointing to Lisp, which takes spot 7.
#Lisp #worked

a year ago
All that Scheme and Lisp programming makes me a bad SQL writer. ...more

a year ago
Flash of thought ⚡ What if you could receive plain text emails in your Mastodon inbox **and** reply to them? ...more

a year ago
What do you think? ...more

a year ago
It always amazes me how feature complete Racket is. ...more

a year ago
I know we don't have so many Apple fans here but yesterday I've installed Parallels on my Mac M1. ...more
#Apple #Parallels #Microsoft

a year ago
Live stream starting now: ...more

a year ago
"We should stop using JavaScript [. ...more

a year ago
Two days ago I've ordered a book via Amazon (I know I know. ...more

a year ago
Don't know why, but I always wanted to write my own web server. ...more
A screenshot from an Emacs window with two buffers showing code fragments of a web server implementation and some debug output.

a year ago
Ok, so I am building a REST API in Common Lisp, seriously this time! ...more

a year ago
Found in a Common Lisp style guide: ...more

a year ago
**Emacs. ...more

a year ago
TIL Tail call optimization is the default in most modern Common Lisp implementations. ...more
#commonlisp #sbcl

a year ago
Re-reading *Common Lisp: ...more
Cover image of the book "CommonLisp A Gentle Introduction to Symbolic Computation" from David S. Touretzky.

a year ago
Recently, we get a lot of sign-ups from generic-looking unknown gmail and outlook. ...more

a year ago
**Weekend instance news** 1. ...more

a year ago
I've just noticed how far Ruby IRB has come with the recent Ruby version 3. ...more
A screenshot of my terminal with Ruby IRB running, tabbing through the autocomplete for the String class, showing some documentation and examples for the "include?" method.

a year ago
Emacs. ...more

a year ago
Akamai and MongoDB are at odds… I just got this message in the Linode console, while I was trying to find out why all our S3 Buckets in Frankfurt are gone for over an hour now. ...more
A screenshot of a service message:

Service Issue - Managed Databases: Identified

A licensing issue between one of our service providers and their vendor has forced us to pause the provisioning of new
MongoDB clusters within the Managed Database product. We currently do not have a timeline on when service will be restored but are working with our service provider to resolve this issue. Thank you for your patience.
#Akamai #MongoDB #Linode

a year ago
Procrastinated for weeks on writing a technical concept for [a system] for a client - with all the knowledge basically already in my head. ...more
#procrastination #personality #selfimprovement

a year ago
To you, what looks like a proper field naming/casing convention in a public JSON data model ? ...more
#webdev #programming #json

a year ago
Is the huge additional effort to implement an API with GraphQL support as opposed to a simple JSON/REST model for a moderately complex API (with an SQL backend) in Go make sense? ...more
#webdev #graphql #golang

a year ago
Nice catch in the gym today 😀 Technogym runs on Linux. ...more

a year ago
Emergency poll. ...more

a year ago
Just got this book yesterday in the mail: ...more

a year ago
mastodon. ...more

a year ago
Wow, I've ordered a mobile subscription/number for my kids online and it took 15 minutes until I could activate the eSIM and use it. ...more

a year ago
**The transfer of all media to S3 has been completed successfully**. ...more

a year ago
There is a nice article about that: ...more

a year ago
Thinking about an Emacs package where you can instantly share a whole buffer (or region). ...more

a year ago
The Fediverse is a great ecosystem of systems that all talk to each other. ...more
#Fediverse #ThereIsNoDefault

a year ago
Converting an Excel spreadsheet into an org-table: ...more
#emacs #orgmode #excel

a year ago
New spam wave incoming from mastodon. ...more
Screenshot of bot accounts from mastodon.social in the reporting interface.
#MastoAdmin #FediBlock

a year ago
Have a nice Sunday you all! ...more

a year ago
If it weren't for the Fediverse, I wouldn't even know that it is eurovision. ...more

a year ago
Hmm. ...more
#MastoAdmin #instance #MastodonDevs

a year ago
Obviously Meta is now a member of the OpenJS foundation. ...more

a year ago
After my recent mega-thread about the future of Mastodon, which got well over 500 interactions so far, a CS student from the Georgia Institute of Technology contacted me a few days ago. ...more

a year ago
Have you already participated in the StackOverflow Developer Survey 2023? ...more

a year ago
So this night&morning I could see quite a lot activity re: ...more

a year ago
Can we finally do? ...more

a year ago
Disable **Collapsed Posts** 👁️ ...more
A screenshot of the user settings with a red arrow pointing to the checkbox to disable collapsed posts.

a year ago
Just in case you wonder, the 👁️ emoji at the end of a toot enables local-only mode. ...more

a year ago
Local-only posts are now enabled. ...more

a year ago
*Richard M. ...more

a year ago
What features can we expect from the Glitch edition we are now running? ...more

a year ago
To enable *Markdown* formatting support, go to **Settings** -> **Preferences** -> **Other** and change the setting under _Default format for toots_. ...more
A screenshot from the settings page of emacs.ch with a green arrow pointing to where to change the Default format for toots.

a year ago
Happy to inform that we now run Mastodon Glitch edition - with a lot of interesting features while still being 100% compatible. ...more

a year ago
What is your regular email reader? ...more

a year ago
So I have connected Emacs. ...more

a year ago
I've summarized my current view on Mastodon as part of the Fediverse and the issue of instance diversity in a blog article: ...more
#Mastodon #Fediverse

a year ago
Gee, my post from yesterday about the Mastodon multi-instance diversity issue clearly found its way into the fediverse 🚀 Obviously I hit a sensitive nerve, very much to my surprise. ...more
#Mastodon #fediverse

a year ago
I disagree with the current CEO of Mastodon about his stance on mid-sized instances. ...more
A post from gargron on the Mastodon Discord with the following text:
"My opinion is increasingly that servers in that valley between single-user/family and giant end up being good for whatever community wants to use them to be isolated amongst themselves, but really rather clash with the expectations of a random person who just wants to use something that isn't Twitter."
#Mastodon #MastoAdmin #fediverse

a year ago
That‘s the one I wanted to do for a long time. ...more

a year ago
You can now donate towards the operational expenses of Emacs. ...more

a year ago
If anyone is interested in migrating postgresql tables to SQLite, I've written a Go CLI to ease that process. ...more
#postgresql #SQLite

a year ago
I find it increasingly difficult to self-host a PostgreSQL database _and_ have full confidence that it runs in a fully optimized way. ...more
#PostgreSQL #SQLite

a year ago
One of the disadvantages of being a solo entrepreneur in software: ...more
#life #developer

a year ago
I believe Tetris is the only game that I loved to play when I was a teen and still love to play 30 years later. ...more
A screenshot of Emacs running the builtin Tetris game with a few blocks already laid down.
#Tetris #Emacs

a year ago
Due to a massive number of spam reports we have temporarily limited mastodon. ...more
#fediblock #mastoadmin

a year ago
Programming in Go and hungry for some functional features? ...more
#Go #Golang #fp

a year ago
Damn! ...more
#Copilot #AI #programming

a year ago
Today is one of those days where I feel the special burdens I have as an instance admin. ...more
A male hacker in front of a screen who looks bored by something stupid someone else did in comic art.

a year ago
Me, when you ask for technical support and . ...more
A person sitting at a desk with a frustrated expression on their face, staring at their computer screen.
Caption: "When you ask for technical support and the customer success manager sends you a tutorial video"
Text (in a sarcastic tone): "Wow, thank you so much for that video! I definitely didn't spend the last 3 hours searching for a solution on my own."

a year ago
Hetzner rocks! ...more

a year ago
Anyone with MapTiler experience? ...more
A partial screenshot from a MapTiler map with overlapping markers
#MapTiler #MapLibre #webdev

a year ago
Very unfortunate that in Go when you have a type definition like type MyDate time. ...more
#golang #go

a year ago
There was a time when I was a die-hard fan of moving as much business logic as possible into Postgres triggers, functions and stored procedures. ...more
#postgresql #sql #programming

a year ago
Gin vs. ...more

a year ago
Currently diving into the worlds of Haskell and Nim, two fascinating programming languages! ...more
#Haskell #Nim

a year ago
Hey Emacs enthusiasts & FOSS aficionados! ...more
#Emacs #FOSS

a year ago
Does anyone know which programming languages they use for juice ? ...more

a year ago
Interesting how hard it is to throw together a (preferably cross-platform) simple Desktop UI app (for internal usage) without reverting to legacy or proprietary tooling (like Delphi, Xojo) or learning a specific niche language. ...more

a year ago
What is your take on GraphQL? ...more

a year ago
Anyone using a "serverless" database in production, if yes, which one and what is your experience? ...more

a year ago
". ...more

a year ago
During my tour through the functional language zoo I rarely encounter anyone talking about FSharp. ...more
#FSharp #dotnet #programming

a year ago
In face of the recent porn bot wave hitting mastodon. ...more
#mastodon #fediverse

a year ago
I've just recently tested several languages for their performance in a practical application: ...more
A table with 6 columns describing the time needed to accomplish the task for each programming language. Column 1: Name of the language, column 2: total time taken in secs, column 3: total user time in secs, column 4: total system time in secs, column 5: total CPU usage in percent, column 6: peak memory usage.

There are not enough available character for the image description to describe all the rows in the table. Languages included range from C to Java, Ruse, Go, Lua, Common Lisp and many more.

a year ago
From the Scaleway privacy policy: ...more
A partial screenshot from the Scaleway management console web app that shows scripts blocked by the browser from Twitter, Facebook and Google Analytics.
#Scaleway #privacy

a year ago
I can't believe it. ...more

a year ago
First two hours with Rust == 😍 ...more

a year ago
Today I needed to implement something in a very old HTML app and used - for the first time - CSS Grid. ...more

a year ago
Because the overweight, oversized and overpriced Apple iPhone 14 didn't sell as expected, it is now released in . ...more
Apple iPhone 14 in new color: yellow.
#Apple #iPhone

a year ago
Why do I need Python(2) to install my npm dependencies to get Webpack running to compile three JS files into a single one? ...more
#Python #npm #Webpack

2 years ago
After long discussions with myself, I decided to abandon CommonLisp for the implementation of my business web backend projects for the time being. ...more

2 years ago
Write a URL parser in Emacs Lisp, Xah Lee's recent video: ...more

2 years ago
I understand that Guile is getting quite popular at the moment. ...more
#Guile #Lisp

2 years ago
Suddenly, my iCloud Drive feels like it's time to delete 120 GB of local data and make sure it's actually available in the cloud. ...more

2 years ago
Today I got the Logitech MX Mechanical Mini. ...more
A photo of the Logitech keyboard from the left side A photo of the Logitech keyboard from above

2 years ago
Have a nice weekend, folks! ...more

2 years ago
The Protesilaos (aka Prot) we know and love for his contributions to the Emacs community is offering coaching services on an hourly basis for a reasonable rate. ...more
#Protesilaos #Emacs

2 years ago
Which one looks better (no, not the colors)? ...more
A screenshot of a piece of code in Common Lisp with a minimal JSON REST API with a single endpoint called "ping" returning a message with the string "pong". A screenshot of a piece of code in Java with a minimal JSON REST API with a single endpoint called "ping" returning a message with the string "pong".
#CommonLisp #Java

2 years ago
"DETAIL: ...more

2 years ago
Ready to build stuff 🥳 😀 CommonLisp ...more
A photo from above showing the following items on a table: a MacBook Pro showing the website awesome-cl.com, the book „Common Lisp the language 2nd edition“, a cup of coffee, a bowl of trail mix, an open bottle of Sapporo bear and small bouquet of tulips.

2 years ago
Have great Sunday y'all! ...more

2 years ago
Great way to self-host your apps at home without struggling with static IP, routing, firewalls etc. ...more
#selfhosting #selfhosted

2 years ago
Oh no. ...more
A few lines of Common Lisp code showing a relative primitive macro and three usages of it.

2 years ago
So is Google now putting automatic telemetry in your golang program? ...more

2 years ago
Just found this nice testing framework for CommonLisp where you attach your tests directly on the (defun): ...more

2 years ago
Happy WaitangiDay to all living in NewZealand! ...more
#WaitangiDay #NewZealand

2 years ago
Fastmail is the best choice! ...more

2 years ago
It finally arrived! ...more
Image of the front cover of the print book "Common Lisp The Language Second Edition" from Guy L. Steele Jr. standing next of a laptop, which can be partially seen in the image.

2 years ago
Skiing in Arosa, Switzerland ...more
Snow mountains in Arosa Switzerland

2 years ago
Upcoming Emacs event today: ...more

2 years ago
When you think you get old because of that constant ring in your ears and then realize after weeks that it's actually the external monitor producing that sound 😌 ...more

2 years ago
That's an interestingly precise delivery estimate 😀 ...more
Partial screenshot of a shopping cart showing:

Excludes Delivery 
Estimated dispatch in 2142857142857143-3.142857142857143 mortths.

2 years ago
While I work through the book PAIP I realize that my programmer brain is still highly imperative. ...more
A Lisp pseudo-function:

(defun maybe-same-accommodation ()
(select all-objects
(where (all ((not (same :master-id))
(similar (:nane))
(equal :type)
(some (within-distance :position :kn 1) (similar (:zipcode)))
(perhaps (sinilar (:street))
(similar (:place))))))
#Lisp #CommonLisp

2 years ago
Couldn't there be a CommonLisp HyperSpec "light" that looks like this for the generation of programmers born after 1960? ...more
Screenshot of a table of Common Lisp functions with their arguments and a short description Screenshot of a list of Common Lisp functions with their return type and a destructive indicator

2 years ago
Amazing how fast web browsing gets when you just block Google Fonts (with all the other nice side effects of not being tracked). ...more
#degoogle #SmallWeb

2 years ago
Wow I (re-)discovered a macOS app that I've used 20 years ago already and it is still kickin': ...more
Screenshot of the iCab browser app for macOS showing its homepage icab.de.
#macOS #browser #SmallWeb #iCab

2 years ago
A quote from the privacy policy of Sparkmail App: ...more
#Sparkmail #privacy

2 years ago
This goodie arrived today: ...more
The book „Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming“ from Peter Norvig lying on a table with a laptop and external monitor in the background.

2 years ago
I can't believe it, my Linux app Tuner which I wrote runs on Haiku. ...more
Screenshot of Tuner, the Linux app to listen to internet radio, running on Haiku OS.
#Tuner #Haiku

2 years ago
Psst, something is cooking in the CommonLisp community. ...more
A photo of a screen showing portions of a Jetbrains IDE with Common Lisp code and a popup showing documentation for the FORMAT function.
#CommonLisp #Jetbrains

2 years ago
emacs-viewer is a Web frontend for your Org files with live updating: ...more
#emacs #org #orgmode

2 years ago
I've just discovered this little gem, a site full of Lisp/Programming language comics. ...more

2 years ago
Two of the most successful programming languages of our time Python & Golang (yes and Elisp! ...more
#Python #Golang #Elisp

2 years ago
In four places it is already New Year's day. ...more
#HappyNewYear #Emacs #Lisp

2 years ago
Ready to get my hands dirty with some CommonLisp today. ...more

2 years ago
Between madness and genius: ...more
#CommonLisp #Emacs

2 years ago
Does anyone actually use LispWorks for CommonLisp programming? ...more
#Lisp #LispWorks #CommonLisp

2 years ago
This was my first Emacs package: ...more
#Emacs #sourcehut

2 years ago
Tuner, my widely used Linux app to listen to Internet radio is currently developed in Vala/GTK and has thousands of users. ...more
#Tuner #Vala #Java #Java #Go #Xojo

2 years ago
Continuing work on Tuner after almost one year break. ...more
Screenshot showing Tuner app and Player widget of Linux Mint with the same station name and title information.
#Vala #FOSS #Tuner

2 years ago
Anyone using Emacs to write actual letters? ...more

2 years ago
Why is it, that I do spring cleaning the whole house and find a gazillion things to do including optimizing my Emacs config, before I finally do the long overdue taxes? ...more

2 years ago
Any tips on how to make windows in Emacs sticky so that they don't get re-used by other commands like Flymake diagnostics, magit etc. ...more

2 years ago
What is it in your life that you are most afraid of, but are dying to try? ...more
A small screenshot of Emacs minibuffer showing completing candidates for M-x gnus.

2 years ago
I think I like ChatGPT 😀 Emacs Lisp ...more
A screenshot of a dialog between me and the ChatGPT AI:

Me: Can Emacs Lisp be used as a general-purpose programming language?

ChatGPT: Yes, Emacs Lisp (also known as Elisp) can be used as a general-purpose programming language. It is a dialect of the Lisp programming language, and it is designed to be used as an extension language for the Emacs text editor. However, it has a full set of programming constructs and features, and it can be used to write standalone programs. Emacs Lisp is a dynamically-typed, garbage-collected language, and it has a rich set of built-in data types and functions. It also has excellent support for working with text and strings, which makes it well-suited for tasks related to text processing and manipulation. In addition to being used as a standalone language, Emacs Lisp is often used as an "embedded" language, where it is used to provide scripting capabilities for other applications. For example, it is used as the extension language for the GNU Emacs text editor, and it can be used to extend the functionality of other programs that support Emacs Lisp as an extension language.

Overall, while Emacs Lisp may not be as widely used or as well-known as other general- purpose programming languages, it is a powerful and capable language that is well-suited for a wide range of tasks.
#Emacs #Lisp

2 years ago
Should our emacs. ...more
#emacs #Ufoi

2 years ago
So while I was working on my brand new literate Emacs config, I desired to have a buffer with only the org headlines for easy navigation. ...more

2 years ago
Melpa. ...more
Screenshot of terminal output of the "dig" command showing that the A record of the domain melpa.org doesn't return any IP address.

2 years ago
Any good recommendation for hosting S3 buckets outside of corporate big tech (aws, google, azure, do, linode etc. ...more

2 years ago
RMS' talk on EmacsConf approaching in a few minutes, chime in! ...more
#EmacsConf #Emacs

2 years ago
So, I'm refreshing my Esperanto skills and was tracking new words in an Org table. ...more
A screenshot of an org table with a dictionary-like structure (column 1: word ending, column 2: esperanto, column 3: german) showing a column formula which extracts the last character from the esperanto word and puts it in the first column.
#Emacs #orgmode #Esperanto

2 years ago
Does anyone know some good config to make Orgmode look nicer? ...more
#Orgmode #Emacs

2 years ago
There is this sense of gratefulness when you use Emacs and it does exactly what you expect it to do and then a little more. ...more
#Emacs #Emacs #Golang

2 years ago
Live Emacs Lisp coding right now with XahLee: ...more
#Emacs #Lisp

2 years ago
Un toot de MastodonEL en español con la etiqueta de idioma correcta. ...more
#MastodonEL #Emacs

2 years ago
My daughter (9) wants to learn programming and I'm torn about whether I should teach her something like HTML (fun, instant results etc. ...more

2 years ago
When I saw this in a promo video about javascript I thought it was a joke. ...more
A screenshot from a JavaScript browser console showing that in JavaScript, adding the string 2 to the number 2 equals to the string 22. But subtracting the number 2 from the string 2 equals to the the number 0.

2 years ago
restclient. ...more
Screenshot of an Org-File with a source code block in restclient-mode to make HTTP calls and the response
#emacs #orgmode

2 years ago
Which Emacs shell should you use? ...more

2 years ago
This morning I went out for a relaxed recovery run. ...more

2 years ago
Follow hashtags is coming in mastodon. ...more
#emacs #mastodonel

2 years ago
Upcoming: ...more

2 years ago
Which search backend do you use for Emacs, if any? ...more

2 years ago
With only ~50 lines of config, Emacs already has everything you need: ...more

2 years ago
"15 reasons why I use Emacs" from Dominik Tarnowski with nice screenshots. ...more
#emacs #vscode

2 years ago
Done my duty, 11K with intervals running ...more
Timeline showing heart rate and zones during training

2 years ago
Just learned about FediAuth! ...more
#FediAuth #Mastodon #fediverse

2 years ago
console. ...more

2 years ago
Bin ich in Schwierigkeiten? ...more

2 years ago
When I started this instance, I would have never expected how fast and well this community will grow within only 3 days. ...more

2 years ago
Gavin Freeborn is a YouTuber and Emacs and CommonLisp proponent. ...more
#Emacs #CommonLisp #OrgMode

2 years ago
Our Emacs. ...more
#Emacs #DeepL #Emacs

2 years ago
For the tech-savvy Mastodon fans: ...more
#Mastodon #awesome

2 years ago
What Emacs theme do you use? ...more

2 years ago
When it comes to good computing books, I always have a hard time to resist. ...more
#java #books

2 years ago
Have you checked out the recently released book from Richard Stallman et alii "GNU C Language Introduction and Reference Manual"? ...more
#gnu #rms #c

2 years ago
Interview with the CommonLisp creator Dr. ...more

2 years ago
Emacs is not only a great text editor /lisp ide, it is a community with a very unique culture. ...more