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Software developer #Go #CommonLisp #JS #SQL. #LispWorks user. Soft spots for #Emacs #SmallWeb. Recently becoming #OpenBSD enthusiast.

Author of the Tuner app for Linux.

Other hobbies: #Running #FireFighter #StarTrek
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So, I’m refreshing my Esperanto skills and was tracking new words in an Org table. After like 250 words I wanted to sort by word type. Luckily in Esperanto the ending of the word always indicates the word type (noun, very, adj etc.). So for the first time ever, I created a org column formula to extract the last character from the Esperanto word and put it in a new column.

Just another of those moments where Emacs puts a smile on my face.

#Emacs #orgmode #Esperanto

A screenshot of an org table with a dictionary-like structure (column 1: word ending, column 2: esperanto, column 3: german) showing a column formula which extracts the last character from the esperanto word and puts it in the first column.
A screenshot of an org table with a dictionary-like structure (column 1: word ending, column 2: esperanto, column 3: german) showing a column formula which extracts the last character from the esperanto word and puts it in the first column.
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