louis's Blog

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Software developer #Go #CommonLisp #JS #SQL. #LispWorks user. Soft spots for #Emacs #SmallWeb. Recently becoming #OpenBSD enthusiast.

Author of the Tuner app for Linux.

Other hobbies: #Running #FireFighter #StarTrek
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Wow I (re-)discovered a #macOS app that I’ve used 20 years ago already and it is still kickin’: the iCab Browser.

It is up to date, runs with WebKit engine and has loads of useful features and plugin.

It’s shareware (yes, you’ve read that right 🙂 ) and costs only $10. Give it a try:


#browser #SmallWeb #iCab

Screenshot of the iCab browser app for macOS showing its homepage icab.de.
Screenshot of the iCab browser app for macOS showing its homepage icab.de.
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