louis's Blog

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Software developer #Go #CommonLisp #JS #SQL. #LispWorks user. Soft spots for #Emacs #SmallWeb. Recently becoming #OpenBSD enthusiast.

Author of the Tuner app for Linux.

Other hobbies: #Running #FireFighter #StarTrek
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Google’s #Bard is also extremely bad at #CommonLisp. But very confident in that 🙂

A screenshot of a conversation with Google Bard:

Question: I mean what does the pipe symbol around a symbol name 2 mean? 

Answer: The pipe symbol ( | ) around a symbol name in Common Lisp is used to quote the symbol. Quoting a symbol prevents the Lisp interpreter from evaluating the symbol. This means that the value of the symbol is not returned, but the symbol itself is returned. For example, the following code: (print |fool) will print the symbol oo , not the value of the variable foo . This s because the expression |foo| quotes the symbol foo , and the value of a quoted symbolis the symbol tself.
A screenshot of a conversation with Google Bard: Question: I mean what does the pipe symbol around a symbol name 2 mean? Answer: The pipe symbol ( | ) around a symbol name in Common Lisp is used to quote the symbol. Quoting a symbol prevents the Lisp interpreter from evaluating the symbol. This means that the value of the symbol is not returned, but the symbol itself is returned. For example, the following code: (print |fool) will print the symbol oo , not the value of the variable foo . This s because the expression |foo| quotes the symbol foo , and the value of a quoted symbolis the symbol tself.
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