louis's Blog

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Software developer #Go #CommonLisp #JS #SQL. #LispWorks user. Soft spots for #Emacs #SmallWeb. Recently becoming #OpenBSD enthusiast.

Author of the Tuner app for Linux.

Other hobbies: #Running #FireFighter #StarTrek
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Ran Linux Mint for a week, which is always my choice no. 1. However, it was painfully slow, some apps took 20 seconds to start. Video streaming was lagging and I could literally see the cursor trying to catch up with my typing. Not sure what was wrong, couldn’t continue. And that with a Thinkpad X1, 4 cores and 16 GB of RAM.

Now jumped to PopOS and boy, does it make a difference. Did anyone have a similar experience?

#linuxmint #PopOS

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