louis's Blog

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Software developer #Go #CommonLisp #JS #SQL. #LispWorks user. Soft spots for #Emacs #SmallWeb. Recently becoming #OpenBSD enthusiast.

Author of the Tuner app for Linux.

Other hobbies: #Running #FireFighter #StarTrek
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I did not consider Lisp macros as a means to inline code for efficiency. But while I read “Common LISPcraft” this is one of the first (and a very good) example of why to use macros. It’s a great book - also because of the many annotations left by the former owner 🙂

#CommonLisp #Lisp

A foto of a part of the page 137 of the book "Common LISPcraft" with visible annotations by a former reader. In this example they say "ahh ok!" when the book talks about why use mapc instead of mapcar.
A foto of a part of the page 137 of the book "Common LISPcraft" with visible annotations by a former reader. In this example they say "ahh ok!" when the book talks about why use mapc instead of mapcar.
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