louis's Blog

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Software developer #Go #CommonLisp #JS #SQL. #LispWorks user. Soft spots for #Emacs #SmallWeb. Recently becoming #OpenBSD enthusiast.

Author of the Tuner app for Linux.

Other hobbies: #Running #FireFighter #StarTrek
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Best thinking tool ever.

A hand with a Hand Grip Strenghener in front of a ThinkPad X1 laptop, on the screen a page from the book „Learn C The Hard Way“ chapter „Why C Strings Were a Horrible Idea“. Next to it a Coke Zero can.
A hand with a Hand Grip Strenghener in front of a ThinkPad X1 laptop, on the screen a page from the book „Learn C The Hard Way“ chapter „Why C Strings Were a Horrible Idea“. Next to it a Coke Zero can.
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